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5 Classic Stretches to Jump Start Your Day

purelyinspired stretching

There are a ton of feel-good benefits to infusing these classic yoga moves into your morning routine. Improved posture and flexibility, a concentration boost, and motivation to face the day head-on.

Tree Pose

Stand with feet together, engage your core and relax your shoulders. Inhale holding your arms at your side, pressing down through your feet (aka Mountain Pose). Bring your right foot to the inner calf of your left leg. Look straight ahead at point in front of you to keep your balance. Hold for 8-10 breaths and switch legs. Once you maintain your balance, aim to place your foot on your inner thigh.

Warrior II Pose

Stand with feet together, engage your core and relax your shoulders. Inhale holding your arms at your side, pressing down through your feet (aka Mountain Pose). Exhale and step about 3 feet apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor, shoulder blades wide, palms down.

Cobra pose

Begin on your belly with your feet hip-distance apart, hands placed beside your ribs. Extend your toes straight back, then press down with all your toes. Next pressing down gently with your hands, raise your head and chest while rolling your shoulders back and down. Keep your neck long and chest lifted.

Child’s Pose

Lower your torso between your knees and extend your arms in front of you, palms down. Relax shoulders toward the ground. Rest in this pose as long as needed.
