Now, more than ever, it’s important to cherish freshness. Fresh air, fresh laundry, and most importantly, fresh produce. Non-perishables are great when you’re in a pinch, but when your grocery trips are few and far between, it’s the fruit and veggies that you really start to miss. We have some good news for you, though. With a little TLC, you can get the most out of your greens. Here’s some advice on how to keep your faves thriving.
In the Fridge
Apples – Kept away from other produce, your daily apples can stay crisp for 6 to 8 weeks.
Berries, Cherries and Grapes – These sweet little gems are best kept in their original packaging (when possible) until you’re ready to eat them. Eat your berries (4 to 7 days) and your cherries (4 to 10 days) first. You won’t need to worry about sour grapes (1 to 2 weeks).
Broccoli and Cauliflower – They can keep a cool head in a plastic bag, away from other produce. You have 3 to 5 days to decide on a broccoli recipe, and a whole week to try our cauliflower mash (link recipe).
Celery – Plastic wrap or aluminum foil will give your stalks a solid crunch for 1 to 2 weeks.
Mushrooms – Stored unwashed in a clean paper bag, mushrooms won’t meet their cap for 4 to 7 days. Oranges – Like any citrus fruits, oranges can spend 3 to 4 weeks in the crisper drawer.
On the Counter (for Now)
Avocados – They’re always extra. Keep them on the counter for 4 to 7 days. If they’re moving too fast for you, put them in the fridge for 3 to 5 more days.
Bananas – These mellow yellows can sit or hang around for 2 to 6 days. If you miss the mark, stick them in the freezer for smoothies or banana bread.
Tomatoes – If they’re ripe and ready to slice soon, they’re best kept in a bowl on the counter. If your plans change, however, cool them off in the fridge for 5 to 7 days. Just be sure to take them back out a day or two before use, in order to get the most of their flavor.
In the Cupboard
Onions – Smelly but resilient, onions are best kept in a cool, dark and dry place, away from other foods. If you treat them right, they’ll keep for 1 to 2 months in the summer and up to 6 months in the winter.
Sweet Potatoes – They don’t need their space. Just a cool, dark and dry place. You’ll have 3 to 5 weeks to make the best of them.